Monday, Dec. 11th, 2017
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering Auditorium.
In an age where sequencing one’s own genome costs less than $1000, and our everyday activities are tracked by multiple sensors, Medicine as a field is changing. Building on the solid foundation of ‘evidence based medicine’, data driven bio-medicine now offers the opportunity to leap forward to a much higher resolution and personalized treatment.
The training required for engaging in high quality bio-medical informatics is highly diverse requiring strong quantitative skills as well as an understanding of life science and medicine. On the brights side, opportunities are endless across multiple fields of biology and medicine for fresh minds to come in and make a difference.
This one day tutorial to Computational Medicine is meant to serve as an introductory primer for students curious about entering the field as well as graduate students in the domain wishing to get a broad overview.
Program :
9:00-10:30 Bioinformatics Introductory talks
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00–12:00 Bioinformatics big challenges panel
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:30 Clinical informatics Introductory talks
14:30–15:15 Clinical Informatics Big challenges panel
15:30-17:30 Workshops
Bioinformatics talks
09:00 Opening remarks
09:15 Yoni Savir Harnessing deep learning (ConvNet) to Bio-medicine challenges
09:45 Tomer Shlomi Inferring cellular metabolic fluxes
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 Shai Shen-Orr A cellular View of precision medicine
11:00 Nathan Salomonis Using single-cell genomics to consistently identify lineage, gene and splicing defects in human disease
11:30 Shai, Jarek, Reut, Artem Bioinformatics panel
12:00 Lunch
Medical Informatics/Precision Medicine talks
13:15 Bruce Aronow Transitioning to an artificial intelligence-enabling integrated model of data, knowledge, biology, and disease
13:45 Eric Kirkendall Detecting and mitigating medication administration errors
14:15 Marc Rothenberg TBD
14:45 Marc, Michael, Itzik, Erik, Uri Medical Informatics panel
15:15 Coffee break
Tutorials (1 hour) – 15:30-17:30 (parallel sessions, Room # in parantheses below)
15:30-16:30 Noam Kaplan (Emerson 4-17) Studying the genome in 1D and 3D with Hi-C
16:30-17:30 Uri Shalit (Emerson 4-17) Mining Electornic Medical Records
15:30-17:30 Nathan Salomonis (Physics, Room 333, Ledov Bldg.) Using AltAnalyze for automated discovery of single-cell RNA-Seq profiles from raw sequencing data
15:30-17:30 Artem Barski (Physics Room 377, Ledov Bldg. ) ChIP-Seq/Epigenomics data analysis with BioWardrobe
Shai Shen-Orr , Technion Institute of Technology
Jarek Miller, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Stephanie Shneor, Technion Institute of Technology
Michelle Kohn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Registration to Tutorial Bootcamp is free